Design of a singly reinforced concrete beam as per IS 456:2000

Design of a singly reinforced concrete beam

Example: Design of a singly reinforced concrete beam for the following data.

  •          Clear Span of the beam – 3 m
  •          Width of supports – 200 mm
  •          Working live load – 6 KN/m
  •          Grade of concrete – M20
  •          Grade of steel – Fe-415 HYSD bars


Given Data –   fck  = 20 N/mm2.
                        fy    = 415 N/mm2.                       
                        Load factor = 1.5 for Dead load & Live load.

  • Determination of the dimensions of the beam:

              Let us adopt the span/depth ratio of 20 for the given span & loading
              Effective depth = d
                                          = (Span/20)
                                          = 3000 / 20 = 150 mm.
              Adopt d = 160 mm.
              Overall depth (D) = 200 mm.
              Width of beam (b) = 200 mm.
              Therefore, Effective span = (Clear span + Effective depth)  = 3 + 0.160 = 3.16 m.
              Center to center of supports = 3 + (2 x (.2/2))  = 3.2 m.
              Hence Effective span of the beam (L) = 3.16 m.

  • Load calculation:

            Dead load : Self weight of the beam = (0.2 x 0.2 x 25) = 1 KN/m.
            Live Load : as given = 6 KN/m.
            Total designed load = 1 + 6 = 7 KN/m.
            Design Ultimate Load (Factored Load) = (1.5 x 7) = 10.5 KN/m.

  • Calculation for Ultimate Moment & Shear force:

            Moment of UDL on a simply supported beam is given by – wl2 / 8.
                                Mu = (10.5 x (3.16)2) /8 = 13.1 KN-m.

            Shear force on a simply supported beam is given by – wl / 2
                                Vu = (10.5 x 3.16) /2 = 16.59 KN.

  • Calculation for tension reinforcement:

            Calculate the limiting moment of the RCC section, which is given by 0.138 fck x b x d2.
                                Mu,lim = (0.138 x 20 x 200 x 1602) x 10-6 = 14.13 KN-m
            As, Mu,lim is greater than Mu the section is under reinforced.
            Therefore, Mu = 0.87 x fy x Ast x d [1- (Ast x fy)/ (b x d x fck)].
                From solving equation for Ast we get: Ast = 275 mm2.
                Check: Minimum Ast,min required = (0.85 x b x d)/ fy = 65.5 mm2.
                As, Ast > Ast,min Hence, Ok.
            Provide 3 bars of 12 mm diameter which gives 3 x 113 = 339 mm2.

  • Check for Shear stress:

iv = (Vu / bd) = {(16.59 x 103)/ (200 x 160)}
                         = 0.51 N/mm2.
                                Pt = (100 Ast / bd) = {(100 x 339) / (200 x 160)}
                                                                   = 1.05.

IS 456, Design shear strength, design, concrete
Design Shear Strength of concrete as per IS 456:2000

From above table we get
                            ic = 0.62 N/mm2, which is greater than iv so nominal shear reinforcement is provided. Using 6 mm diameter two legged stirrups.
                             Sv = (Asv x 0.87 x fy) / (0.4 x b)
                                    = (2 x 28 x 0.87 x 415)/ (0.4 x 200)
                                    = 253 mm.
But, spacing for stirrup shall not be greater than 0.75 x d = 0.75 x 160 = 120 mm & 300 mm.
                                Therefore, adopting spacing of 120 mm.


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