Corona Virus India (COVID-19)

Corona Virus India (COVID-19)

A corona virus is originally found in animals, however due to mutation of the virus it has been transmitted from animal to human from which it is spreading like wild fire & has become a major global concern. This new version of the virus is officially named as COVID-19 by the World Health Organization (WHO) on 11th February 2020.

Originated in Wuhan market in China where bat, snakes & other wild animals were traded. The symptoms are almost similar to the SARS virus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) which first occurred in Guangdong province in southern china.

COVID-19 is large in size (400-500 micron in cell diameter) for which any mask prevents its entry. Due to its large size it does not travel by air, however it can float for a few feet during sneezing & coughing of an infected person. It can stay active on a metal surface for about 10-12 hours & about 9 hours on fabrics/clothes. The virus cannot withstand heat, a temperature of about 26-27 Degrees kills the virus.

Impression of COVID-19 

Very little is known about the Novel Corona Virus, however few symptoms were found:

  • Rise in body temperature (I.e. fever).
  • Coughing.
  • Difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath.
  • Person with a lower immunity power or weakened immune system may experience serious respiratory problems such as bronchitis or pneumonia.
  • Some reports also show that they are experiencing problem with digestion & some with eye diseases like conjunctivitis.

Basic protective measures that should be taken:

  • Wash your hands often with soap & water or use an alcohol-based (min 60% Alcohol) hand sanitizer, as alcohol-based sanitizers kill the virus.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose & mouth all the time, hands touch many places & can contain virus. The virus can easily enter your body through these openings.
  • Avoid crowded places & maintain social distance of at least 3 feet, coming near to a sick person can get you contaminated, especially if the person is having the symptoms. Droplets from coughing can enter your body through breathing.
  • If you develop the symptoms immediately seek medical attention & maintain self-quarantine as much as possible to prevent further spreading of the virus.
This article is written to spread awareness & preventive measures for everyone.

Stay Safe Everyone.


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