Civil Site Engineer interview Questions

Basic Interview questions for Civil Site Engineer

01. What does the M20 grade of concrete mean?
Answer: 'M' stands for mix design & 20 stands for the average compressive strength at 28 days in N/mm2.

02. What is the ratio for M10 M15 & M20 grade of concrete?
Answer: The ratio is - M10 - 1:3:6
                                    M15 - 1:2:4
                                    M20 - 1:1.5:3

03. In the above answer what are the components of the ratio?
Answer: The ratio stands for Binder (Cement): Fine aggregate: Coarse aggregates.

04. What does SCC stand for?
Answer: SCC stands for Self-compacting / Self Consolidating Concrete.

05. In general, which component of concrete is responsible for cube / concrete failure?
Answer: The binder material (cement mortar) is mainly responsible for concrete failure as the failure/ crushing strength of the Coarse aggregate is much higher.

06. Why is 10 mm coarse aggregate is used in concrete along with 20 mm Coarse aggregate?
Answer: 10 mm coarse aggregates are used to fill the void in between 20 mm coarse aggregates which gives a higher density of the overall mix, and also it reduces the chances of mortar failure.

07. In construction projects what is the basic test conducted on normal concrete?
Answer: In construction project basic test conducted on normal concrete is 
               (a) Slump test - To measure the workability of the concrete
08. In construction projects what is the basic test conducted on SCC concrete?
Answer: In construction project basic test conducted on normal concrete is 
               (a) Flow table test - To measure the workability of the concrete.
               (b) L-box test- To measure the workability of concrete.
               (c) U-box test- To measure the passing ability of concrete.
               (d) J-ring test- To measure the passing ability of concrete.

09. During construction of columns/walls why shear keys are provided?
Answer: As it is the joining point between old & new concrete shear key provides the load transfer mechanisms & better joining along with a concrete bonding agent.

10. Why is starter provided before casting a column from the base such as footings/pile cap?
Answer: Starters are provided for maintaining a better alignment of the column & also it would be easier to maintain the alignment of the column during fixation of the shuttering board in case of conventional shuttering.

11. Why is lap length required in TMT bars in any structural member?
Answer: Lap lengths are provided to maintain the continuity of the TMT bars for better distribution of loads throughout the structural member.

12. What is the highest height from which free fall of concrete is allowed?
Answer: The highest height from which free fall of concrete is allowed 1.5 meters as per IS code 456:2000.



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